
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

David Banner.

This was going to be a "what if David (or Bruce) Banner had IED" entry. Which, if you think about it, it would have been devastating. I read this article about David Banner. Apparently after his radiation mishap, he also had a lot of other unfortunate events occur in his life:

"Examples of such stressful incidents would include drowning, being buried alive, getting beaten up, nightmares, gunshot wounds and traffic jams. When David did get pissed off, his alter ego could smash through brick walls, overturn cars and tanks, break chains, uproot large trees, and bend steel in his bare hand."

in this case, understand that "alter ego" should read "IED"

However, this cannot be purely a Hulk/Dr. Banner/IED collide entry. Sadly, while searching David Banner for a refresher on his life and times, I found this. I was all excited, a site all about David Banner. Maybe a scientific explanation of how he gave himself such horrible IED. Maybe shopping tips on buying plaid shirts in bulk for the nomadic lifestyle. If you have already clicked on the link, then you already realize the depths of my disappointment. That he would go from Scientist to half assed crap performer is heart breaking. Click on the "photos" section. I haven't seen that much sneering since Billy Idol played San Diego in 1986. From respected researcher, to IED sufferer, to untalented, sneering black performer, David Banner is truly a man of many colors. And woe to you, if you mess with Gamma radiation. Respect it. It is not to be trifled with.

My newest disorder.

Finally. Finally. My overwhelming, yet intermittent desire to break things and people has been given a name. Intermittent Explosive Disorder. No kidding. Until now almost everyone thought this was a lack of self control. Turns out, like over eating, it is a disorder, no self control needed. I am not an angry person after all, I just have a touch of the Itis. Hopefully this will finally land me those placards I have been wanting. Just the thought of not being able to find a parking place, especially on a rainy day.... I am seething right now, my rage knows no bounds, the furious intensity of a thousand white hot suns exploding just behind my eyes. I just pulled out a desk drawer and crushed it into toothpicks on my assistant's arm which I think is also broken now too. Dumb ass shouldn't have come in while I was angry. Anyways, I am not mad now, it is intermittent ya know, so it comes and goes almost without warning. Someone should think up some kind of intermittent pill or intermittent cure for this. Until then, I am going to enjoy being protected by the American's with Disabilities Act. Next time my boss gets all up in my grill, and I intermittently turn into a human blender destroying person and property in furious, blinding anger, she will of course understand it is just my disorder acting up, and she can no more blame me for my path of destruction around the office then she could blame another employee for being confined to that annoying wheelchair. Just the thought of that thing squeaking down the hallways, blocking up exits.. "Can you give me a little push to the..." I will give you a push, I will push you right into the very depths of hell, you gold bricking, free loading... nevermind, I am not mad anymore.