
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

On wisdom.

When I ask, "what do you physically think of as a symbol of the word wise?"  What comes to mind?

I asked google images what comes to its mind when I image search the word "wisdom" and it turns out google images thinks of some pretty disgusting images or teeth, or bloody holes where teeth used to live.  So gross.  Not what I expected at all.  So I asked what google images thought of the word "wise?"  Turns out google images and I agreed.  We thought of the owl.  Why?  Well, obviously, because owls are super duper wise....

Though owls are sort of solitary creatures, were there ever to be a bunch in one place, a group of owls is called a parliament, which probably lends to people thinking they are wise.  Parliament sounds like an important group of wise, thoughtful people talking about important stuff that will benefit humanity.  It also sounds like a bunch of weed smoking hippies laying down some super funky music...But foremost, it sounds like the smart, wise people thing.

And this demonstrates just how wise owls are.  They are the poster children for wisdom?  Such a trick.  Owls are actually stone cold killing machines.  Flying ninjas of the animal kingdom.  They are death merchants that kill in complete silence under the cover of night.  Owls don't sit around pondering anything other than their next kill, and how blissfully satisfied it will make them feel.  

I believe you no longer, owls.  When I hear reference to wisdom, or someone being wise like a.... I will no longer fill in that blank with the word "owl"  I would be safer filling in that blank with the soulless killing machine "shark" because at least we all know they are ferocious killers.  But when I get into a discussion with someone, and I am searching for a metaphor for a super weird looking, remorseless killing machine whose entire existence is forged on trickery and the silent shedding of innocent blood in the black of night, I will look to you, Human Resources....Pardon, I mean, Owls!

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