
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Any show that says it is brought to you with "limited commercial interruptions" should turn into an object so I can throw it across the room into the wall and then punch it in the face.  Of course it is, as are all shows.  If a show had unlimited commercial interruptions, then it would never, ever end.  It's like telling you, "the following program is presented to you with an ending."   It bugs me when I am told things that can't possibly be any other way, but I am told these things like they are somehow an amazing benefit to me.  A show with an ending isn't really an amazing benefit to me.  It's normal.  A show without an ending would just be weird, and no one would like it and no one would watch it, hence no one would watch the unlimited commercials either.  Limited commercial interruption is an amazing benefit to the people bringing me the show and the limited commercial interruption.  40 minutes of mediocre entertainment somehow shoved into an hour is the norm.  The unlimited commercial interruption guy should really be ashamed of himself.  How does he even face his mother?  His family would be proud if he bought a sword and used it on himself at sunrise on the beach.  There is no other honorable way for him.


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