
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


First, I have to say I am sorry. It has been like 6 months or something. I am not good with the math, but I haven't posted in a long long time. In all fairness, I have a few half written posts waiting to be finished. The best one so far is about cargo underpants... But you can see those when I finish them. The posts I mean, I am not actually sewing a pair of cargo underpants. I will hire a perfessional to make those.

Also, I have to apologize that after all this time, this is what I return with... I just witnessed it myself, and it is a spectacle to behold. I give you Avril Lavigwhatever covering Fuel, by Metallica. Honestly, that would be bad enough all by itself. But, metallica is watching her performance and seem totally into it. What? I don't know how that can be either. Possibly they have lost their self respect? Possibly they never had any? Who can say? Lars and his wooden shoes are air drumming a mean version in the front row, I dare say he is more into Avril's version of that song than his own bands version. Pathetic. And seriously, are the rest of them playing air guitar? Who does that? I mean, really, who does that? This is the craziest thing I have seen in a long time, and I see crazy stuff almost every day.


Watch it for yourself and weep my friends. This video is akin to God himself coming down from heaven and using his own name in vain. And then telling us, "eh, go ahead, it's cool."

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At 3:24 PM, Blogger Jay C. Rees said...

welcome back. I have been checking here for 6 months and finally you post ... but, yeah, take it up a notch if you are gonna wait 6 months to post again ;)


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