
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Thursday, February 03, 2022

 It seems like I haven't published anything here lately, that you know about, so allow me to "freshen up" my content as it were....

This topic has been on my mind for years.  Prolly even more than a decade.  But since it first occurred to me, there has been lots and lots more content created in the star wars universe.  And with all this new content, and new situations, and new droids that do lots of new things, I think I have finally arrived at what has bothered me all these years about the multitude of droids running around the star wars universe.  (Star wars universe, its what we call things these days, it's all in that universe where everything is star wars.  You prolly wont see the Enterprise or the Avengers in star wars because all that stuff lives in other universeseses).

C3PO is a "protocol droid."  As far as I can tell, it means he translates stuff.  So there is some part of him, as a droid, that knows all languages.  So he can hear any language, and translate it into any other language, which is his purpose to exist as a droid.  But besides that he can walk around, frets endlessly about any number of goings on that don't really directly concern him as a droid, somehow he does math/calculations wicked fast...as a machine, he shouldn't experience worry, yet....yet, it seems it is almost all he experiences.  R2D2...I had to google this, I didn't even know after seeing almost everything ever created in the star wars universe...he is an astro-mech.  And I say "he" because I don't think English has a suitable word for an anthropomorphized robot.  "It" doesn't seem fitting, though "she" is obviously just as good as "he" so feel free to decide on whatever gender you think each droid should have since technically, they are genderless.  I think I will leave the "non-binary" droid post to a younger blogger, better versed in the new raft of orientation terms.  As an astro-mech, R2D2's purpose is to repair spaceships and maybe machinery in general.  We sometimes see R2D2 and other astro-mech type droids riding in the back of an x-wing and they do repair things that are within their very limited reach.  Short of that, it is difficult for me to discern any other purpose for an astro-mech droid in an x-wing.  Also, there are so many other ships that don't have a dedicated spot for an astro-mech droid.  So that's weird.  Further, whatever piece of hardware that's in C3PO that knows all languages...well, no one put that into an astro-mech droid.  So, people are expected to listen to all those pops and beeps and whistles and translate them into English, and in a dog fight, X-wing pilots have to do that while trying to shoot down bad guy tie fighters and not get shot down themselves.  Beep beep whistle beep could be disaster where beep whistle beep pop beep could just mean the tank in the back of the x-wing that looks like it holds toothpaste is a little cracked and maybe just have it checked out when we land because I am a 2.5 foot tall droid and I can't reach that tank from my spot.  Or did it mean that tank is on fire and we are gonna die in a minute?  And even more crazy, an astro-mech droid understands English, but somehow can only speak in whistles and clicks, noises pretty much.  Astro-mechs speak in noises.  As different as they are, BB-8 and R2D2 are both astro-mechs.

There was FX-7 and 2-1B, both medical droids.  They walk around, or roll, depending, mostly prolly reattaching limbs because a lot of limbs get cut off in the star wars universe.  Likely a result of light sabers.  If light sabers were real, I would never want one.  No idea what I would cut off on my own body.  I am sure I would also cut in half friends and family, by accident of course, showing them "look, look, I got a light saber!  Look what it will do!!  whoa!!  I am so sorry I didn't mean to cut off your legs on the back swing!"  You know that would happen if light sabers were a real thing.  Srsly.  One day you will accidently drop it.  And that could cause it to turn on and cut off a foot.  You like to think you are more careful than that, but youre not, none of us are.  Anyways, lots of limb reattachments to be sure.

There is IG-88 and IG-11, both bounty hunter droids... They are the exception to this post.  How you ask?  Well, to hunt bounties, or be an assassin, a droid prolly needs a body, so I will come back to these guys maybe.

Obviously, the star wars universe is more advanced than where we live.  I can't just hop into a thing and fly to another planet in another solar system.  I don't have a blaster, and I don't think anyone around here has a machine hand integrated seamlessly into their fleshy body.  

Why....WHY...why isn't the astro-mech capability built into an x-wing?!  R2D2, BB-8 are more or less a walking version of OBD-2 (google it if you don't know) and on-star and a chiltons manual.  Also to be of more use on an x-wing, they need longer arms.  Basic design flaw.

Whatever hardware it is in C3PO that does all that translating should be built into everything.  Why not just put the tech into something the size of an iphone and everyone gets one.  No droid necessary.  So much wasted material in C3PO.  A droid like that doesn't need to walk around, back talk, worry, make unnecessary and often unwelcome small talk, try and figure odds on situations a droid cannot possibly understand, make executive function decisions in human matters....just remove the translating hardware and make that available in all droids.  I really don't wanna hear another pop and whistle when R2/BB could have been speaking English all along, or any other language really.  Uncle Owen initially asked Luke to pick up a protocol droid because it could speak to their farm equipment.  All that money to pick up that loud mouth C3PO when if he would have watched star wars youtube, he prolly could have got directions on removing that bit of C3PO and installing it in R2D2, which why did they even need him again?  Did he need to fix the tractor that C3PO was talking to?  That's when you know you have gone too far with the tech.  Srsly uncle Owen, send Luke into town to get some manuals, or just download them off the innerwebz that you almost HAVE to have in your universe given the rest of the tech.  And really, how much could farm equipment have to say that make a whole entire protocol droid necessary?  OBD2 could have rendered C3PO completely useless where farm equipment and land speeders are concerned.  Uncle Owen could have diagnosed that equipment on his own with just a star wars ipad and a innerwebz connection.

Those med droids, why make them droids?  Why not make a bed or tank or cradle that a person jumps in and it has the ability to reattach a limb?  And why don't those med droids talk, or whistle?  They have so little personality, which is spot on, yet not in keeping with the rest of it.....

IG DROIDS of various double numbers... (I assume there is an IG 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77 & 99.  Cant wait to see them)  It seems like some kind of body must be necessary to hunt bounties or assassinate people.  So, I kinda get their existence.  But the rest of these droids, and others I didn't mention, could likely just be integrated into whatever tech they're supposed to be helping with rather than their own separate thing.  Can you imagine taking your navigation droid on car rides with you and have it whine about how far you have to park from the mall?  And then it comes inside with you and complains that it can't come into the cantina with you for a drink and some smooth space jazz?  And even as their own separate thing, so much less could go into them so they aren't always talking back and worrying and stealing data, making painful small talk and stupid jokes and getting into all kinds of things they shouldn't be in...

In closing, I look forward to star wars realizing most of these droids functions can be integrated into various other tech, or be boiled down to their main single purpose and be manufactured as something other than a droid.  If youre reading, Lucas Films division of Disney, I personally look forward to a star wars with less droids and more tech with imbedded droid functionality.

Interested in a new x-wing?  It now comes equipped with with astro-mech functionality built right in as well, with new imbedded protocol functionality, it speaks the same language you do!  E Chu Ta!!! 

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Friday, March 13, 2015


If you find this blog sometime in the distant future and you're somehow using it to try and figure out our calendar and what years have passed, let me reassure you: We experienced both a 2013 and a 2014.  I was just busy then.

Lately Zombie shows and movies have been all the rage.  And by lately I mean kinda for the last 10 years or so.  Slow Zombies and fast zombies, walkers, rotters, the dead, whatever you call them, they are so hawt right now.  And their hawtness gets me to thinking...How would a zombie invasion start...

Most zombie stories seem to catch the zombie apocalypse already in progress.  While some try to figure out how all this zombie business started, others find people just trying to survive it all.  Either way, we always find those surviving foraging for food and weapons and safe houses and havens and water and vehicles across a post apocalyptic landscape.  We are too eager to accept the situations presented as everyday life when people just somehow turned to zombies.

I don't really care what scientific catalyst kicks the entire thing in motion, so lets just go with some new strain of an existing illness because really, who cares?  I don't.  The flu takes a left hand turn, suddenly now when people die, minutes to days later they stand back up and want to mostly wander around completely aimlessly until they see something alive.  That seems to be the one conscious thought zombies have.  They know they want to eat living things.  Living things with a pulse, vegetables do not interest the zombie, even if it is a corn stalk is swaying in the breeze, the zombie doesn't care, zombies are strict carnivores.

So, someone gets the zombie flu.  They die. Lets say it is like most deaths, and loved ones are there and sad.  Some hours have gone by, the death has been reported, those who care for dead bodies come to undertake your loved ones mortal coil so you don't have a corpse in your living room.  I sort of picture it kicks off when your zombie loved one sits up and bites those caring for your loved ones body.  It is a pretty big jump to go from this to a pandemic.  Even if zombie number one mauls, somehow, more than one of those caring for the body, they are then dead and one single zombie is on the loose...also assuming those putting the body on ice didn't have the body restrained in any way and also that they were caring for said body with a door wide open.  Zombies don't use door handles.

I don't know about you, but I see someone lurching toward me, acting all weird making a bunch of zombie noises, I don't stick around.  But lets say zombie number one wanders from mauling the undertakers straight into a sushi place.  Those always have a lot of people in them, but never much room.  Zombie bites someone and takes a chunk and then someone else for another chunk.  I am going to say that some hero in the sushi place is going to take the zombie down.  Maybe just sit on the zombie until the cops come.  Cops come, ambulance comes.  Cops and ambulance drivers talk  about how they have never seen anyone do what zombie number 1 just did.  They cuff zombie 1 and try and sedate him.  But because he is dead, zombie doesn't sedate.  Zombie has no pulse and no blood pressure.  Ambulance drivers know they are seeing something new.  Cops should know too.  Even if they don't know to describe zombie 1 as a zombie, I am going to guess they quarantine at the very least, zombie 1 and those who were bit.  Maybe zombie 2 and 3 turn and bite cops, but then cops go into quarantine too.  Zombie apocalypse is now over, you can all go home.

Even if it is an air born disease and later people from the sushi place die at home, turn before morning, infect their family before shambling out a window, how did we get the super market full of zombies?!?!  Who feels so sick they are literally about to die, so they run to the grocery store really quick for a cup of noodles?  And then I guess that person dies in the grocery store, wakes up, bites every single person in the joint, the doors lock shut, and later that's what we come across looking for the last vestiges of processed food...the post apocalyptic zombies in grocery store scene is never going to happen.  It just wont.  Anyone who feels so sick they are going to die doesn't go to the grocery store.  Same with restaurants and bars.  Those will mostly be empty during the zombie apocalypse.  Houses should be loaded with zombies.  That's where sick people go.  Home.  Or to the Dr.'s office or the hospital.  Those should also be loaded with zombies.  Grocery stores and malls and bars?  Not so much.

How are all those zombies wearing clothes?  Not to be gross, but if a zombie has spent a year rotting and wandering in the hot sun and the rain and whatever else (I have already dialed it down so low that these things could happen) wouldn't their clothes get caught on something and rip?  Zombies aren't careful.  And wouldn't there be WAY more zombies in pajamas because they felt like crap prior to becoming zombies?  In any of these shows, and seriously, not that I am dying to see this, I have yet to see a naked zombie.  NO ONE died in the shower?  No one?!  No zombies clothes finally fell off?  Seriously I am happy that the clothes stay on, I don't want to see a rotting, naked zombie.  It's just to say that even if I accept that zombies can totally happen, and the whole thing can totally get out of control, some zombie, somewhere, has to end up naked.  Woof.

In closing, I enjoy zombie shows, I just think zombies happening is, speaking both technically and professionally, super duper unlikely.  But given the unlikely happens, I think even more unlikeliness happens from there.

I like to think that movie with Tom Hanks and his good friend the volleyball could have been a zombie movie.  It's just he was trapped on the only safe place left on the planet, meanwhile everything was a mess because of zombies.  I think I could write an excellent alternate ending to that movie with a surprise twist no one sees coming, unless you read this blog already...  If I ever crash land on a Fed Ex cargo jet on a remote, uninhabited island and only have a volley ball as a friend, I am going to assume I had the best luck ever because everyone that isn't my island is wall to wall PJ/naked zombies.  Good thing I crash landed!

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

On wisdom.

When I ask, "what do you physically think of as a symbol of the word wise?"  What comes to mind?

I asked google images what comes to its mind when I image search the word "wisdom" and it turns out google images thinks of some pretty disgusting images or teeth, or bloody holes where teeth used to live.  So gross.  Not what I expected at all.  So I asked what google images thought of the word "wise?"  Turns out google images and I agreed.  We thought of the owl.  Why?  Well, obviously, because owls are super duper wise....

Though owls are sort of solitary creatures, were there ever to be a bunch in one place, a group of owls is called a parliament, which probably lends to people thinking they are wise.  Parliament sounds like an important group of wise, thoughtful people talking about important stuff that will benefit humanity.  It also sounds like a bunch of weed smoking hippies laying down some super funky music...But foremost, it sounds like the smart, wise people thing.

And this demonstrates just how wise owls are.  They are the poster children for wisdom?  Such a trick.  Owls are actually stone cold killing machines.  Flying ninjas of the animal kingdom.  They are death merchants that kill in complete silence under the cover of night.  Owls don't sit around pondering anything other than their next kill, and how blissfully satisfied it will make them feel.  

I believe you no longer, owls.  When I hear reference to wisdom, or someone being wise like a.... I will no longer fill in that blank with the word "owl"  I would be safer filling in that blank with the soulless killing machine "shark" because at least we all know they are ferocious killers.  But when I get into a discussion with someone, and I am searching for a metaphor for a super weird looking, remorseless killing machine whose entire existence is forged on trickery and the silent shedding of innocent blood in the black of night, I will look to you, Human Resources....Pardon, I mean, Owls!

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012


We do so many things, as a people, that don't make sense, I can't even begin to count.  All the different names for pancakes when just "pancakes" would do just fine.  We aren't Eskimos, and pancakes aren't our version of snow.  Who even says "flapjack" any more?  Just abolish it from the language and make room for other nonsense words we like to use, like inbetween and irregardless. Yet, I digress...

If I ask, how many weeks are in a month, how would you answer?  Well, sense mostly only smart asses read this blog, there is no telling what your smart ass answer might be, but most people who aren't all smart assy say there are 4 weeks in a month.  And a lot of months are, in fact, credited with having 4 weeks.  However, some months are also credited with having 5 weeks.  How many days are in a month?  Well, that can vary.  Some months have 30 days, and some months have 31 days...and then there is the red headed step child of months that has 28, or sometimes 29.  We know that a week has 7 days in it, so to have a month with only 4 weeks in it, we need a 28 day month.  Hello Feb, the red headed step child actually has it right, while all the other months have it wrong.  A 30 day month has more than 4 weeks in it, it has 4 weeks and 2 days, technically.  While NO month could ever have 5 weeks in it, unless that month actually had 35 days in it.  Which no month actually has...  None of this makes any sense at all.  We all count all the months out on our knuckles to figure which ones are the long months.  This makes sense how exactly?

Why don't we cut all the months down to 28 days.  Then we would have 29 days left over.  with the 29 days left over, we make the longest month of the year and we put the new, 13th month in the middle of summer.  Let the kids enjoy the extra day they don't have to be in school.  In fact, that day should be known as "Extra Day" and we should all get it as a day off.  You're welcome.  Fun fact: a year on Earth has a super annoying extra .24 of a day per year to deal with.  I say we continue to add that up, and every 4th year we add a second extra day to the new 13th month that everyone gets to take off from work and school too.  Again, your welcome.  If your upset that you are a leap year baby and don't get to celebrate your birthday on Feb 29th anymore, too bad.  Life isn't fair, and this is one of those times.  However, you're perfectly welcome and in fact, encouraged, to move your bday to Second Extra Day each 4th year, and Extra Day every remaining year.  Extra Day, and Second Extra Day won't actually be on the calendar.  That will make every month start on a Sunday, end on a Saturday, each day of the week has a predetermined date (as in all Mondays can only be on the 2nd, 9th, 16th or 23rd.)  This means that every single month of the year will also have a Friday the 13th in it (PRD!!!  Yeah Baby!!)

Why do we insist on doing yard work during the day in the summer, and not during the dead of night when it is nice and cool?  I don't know anyone who ever caught the skin cancer from a harsh moonburn.  Why do we build schools and only put kids in them less than 1/3 of the hours during the day?  If we had schools going around the clock, we would need 2/3 less school buildings.  Also, while kids are in school during the dead of night, there is no need for air conditioning.  None of it makes any sense...I think we should at least straighten out our calendar.  It is a good first step toward making sense.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Setting the record straight

It has been so long since I published something on here, that the interfaced changed and I am barely able to work it all anymore.  I am going to need to go find an 8 year old who can explain all the changes to the blogging interface.  Maybe the same kid can set my watch and get that annoying time to quit blinking on my VCR.  I wonder if 8 year olds know where to buy VCR tapes?  Anyways, none of that really matters at the moment because I need to set the record straight.

In my blog, I don't talk much about my real life, which might change in the future, but it might not so keep your pants on.  However, it has been broughten to my attention that at one point in the blog, I called my boss a chud.  My new boss, who I also confusingly worked for in the past, actually brought this to my attention along with my bromantical best friend.  The new boss felt I should set the record straight that new boss is not equal to chud.  Which is completely true.  It is a record VERY worth straightening out.  It is like comparing a diamond the size of a baseball to a fresh dog turd.  Obviously where chud is equal to fresh dog turd.  And to further set the record straight, I am sure chud is a nice person underneath it all, probably has a loving family and many friends who are all completely wonderful and think chud is a fantastic person.  I am sure that is all completely true.  Probably not true that chud catches and eats the hopes and dreams of children, or that rainbows can't exist in a 1000 mile radius of chud or that reason and goodness lose their cohesive properties in chud's immediate presence.  While that is likely all fake, don't write it off too fast just in case.  I am sure the new dream catcher that chud got which almost immediately filled up with tar like black gook and had to be thrown out was freak accident that could totally happen to anyone.  Anyone at all.

Now that the record is all straightened out, it was also mentioned at the same time that I should really get back to work on writing things that end up in this blog.  I have to say I was both shocked and flattered.  That anyone would tell me to write anything in here means that someone must read it.  I did check the page views and there were 3 today which means someone other than me looked at it once.  I was not aware I had that kind of audience.  For the record, I am not saying I will post in here, and I am not saying I won't.  I don't even want to commit to not committing because it feels like I am getting smothered and I just need a little room to think!  Seriously blog, why do you have to be like that?

So, check back.  Who knows, maybe you won't be disappointed?  I can't say which would disappoint worse, new material or no new material, so I won't comment on what you, the reader, might expect to find if you do check back.  Or don't check back, it is a free county, and I am not the boss of you.

Monday, July 11, 2011


I grew up watching superheros do this and that on TV, but never really gave them a lot of thought beyond their sheer humanity saving entertainment value.  Until now.  This morning, I was laying in bed, looking at the various super hero pictures on my pajamas. I don't think any of them make sense.  For instance:


Lets just say something bad was going to happen to this planet, so I made a rocket and went to a planet that had people that look just like me, only it had a red sun.  Because of this red sun, I can now fly, I have x-ray vision, and I can deflect bullets and my strength is off the charts.  I know, already a huge stretch.  But lets just say it happened.  Why, then, is my only weakness a rock from the planet that I came from?  Seriously, my weakness is dirt clods?  Really?  I used to play with dirt clods back on my home world, but now that is the only thing that can kill me.  Huh.

Also, I would have all those rad super powers because of the sun, right?  Why does this guy look like he works out every waking moment he isn't fighting crime.  He has his powers because of the sun, not because of his Gold's Gym membership.  The sun makes him strong.  I don't get why he looks like a walking/flying human tank.  He should look a lot more like a graphic designer, or a software engineer.

The Green Lantern
Why does the Green Lantern looks like he could bench press a car when really all he ever did was tell his ring to make some crazy thing to stop criminals.  Seriously, I never saw the Green Lantern use his ring to make giant weights that he would lift.  I would wear that faggy ring for those abs.  My word.  I would like to eat some scrambled eggs off abs like that.  This guy has no body fat, yet he doesn't even do anything physically.  He just dreams up crazy business that the ring then makes. How does that get you those shoulders?  It doesn't.

And why the mask?  Did he have a normal life beyond being the Green Lantern?  Isn't that a full time gig?  If I had that ring, and I wasn't busy using it to fight crime, I would use it to make a comfy house with a giant bed and a huge TV.  Why do you need money when you have that ring?  And if you don't need money then why do you hide your identity?  It makes no sense...

Plus, if you're a superhero and you can do what you want, why the tights?  Who wants to wear a full body leotard?  No one I know.  Even if I had a body like that, I would still rather my crime fighting get up be some cargo shorts, vans and a tank for the summer and something like Cobain would have worn for the winter.  At least Green Lantern didn't have a cape.

The Flash
That running super fast can even make you a super hero is pretty much stupid to begin with...  But I will go along with it for laughs and pretend that running super fast is a legit super power... Common sense = suspended.  So, sure, he runs really fast and that totally helps with fighting crime.  Do you see this guys lats?!?!  Do you see them?  Look at his lats.  Just look at them.  Did you look?  I said look at them.  What runner has lats like this?!  This is not the way people that run really fast look.  The best part of this picture is that his legs aren't even in it, which should be his best part.  His quads should look like tree trunks to keep his knees in order.  His chest should NOT look like that.  All that upper body weight would make it so he could run really fast, but only in a straight line.  And why is he so tall?!  That high center of gravity would make high speed direction changes impossible.

                                                                                                                          Carl Lewis
I bet Carl would laugh his ass off because The Flash is white.  Tons of super fast guys are white.  Makes perfect sense that The Flash is bone white.  Carl here won lots of gold metals because he is fast.  One of the fastest humans that ever lived.  Look at his lats.  Look at them!!  Would you look at his lats?!  Oh, you say you can't see them?  Yeah, me neither.  That's because to be one of the fastest humans on the planet, giant lats just aren't necessary.  In fact, I would guess they would work against you.  Carl seemed to think so, that's why he doesn't have any.  You know there could never be a super hero like The Flash.  If there was one, he would be black, and black men have more fashion sense than to wear red tights.  Black Flash with look like shaft, and he wouldn't run at all because he would be too busy being cool.

This is just sad.  Talking to fish and hanging out underwater is a super power now?  At least this guy looks more like Micheal Phelps. Fins on his calves though, and no webbed feet?  Srsly, what crime takes place underwater?  Who ever heard of an underwater mugging?  Do submarines get jacked?  I don't think that they do.  This guys greatest contribution to the hall of justice would likely be finding car keys and bags of weed lost by surfers while surfing.  "Great job, Aquaman.  That is a huge bag of lost car keys, change and refer.  We need to go stop some crimes on land, watch the base, we should be back in a couple of hours!"

I would love to see a fight between Wolverine and Aquaman.  Wolverine would make Aquaman look like an overweight 5 year old.

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Friday, November 05, 2010

facebook is ruining our brains.

Back in the really olden days when I was growing up, so like 1974, I used to always hear how TV was rotting my brains.  We watched too much TV and we weren't learning how to think.  Plus it was wrecking my eye site because I was always "way too close to the TV screen!"  I, personally, always seem to be running the risk of turning into a potato.  And somehow, prolly due to TV and its influence, we grew up to be slackers.

My brother and I had the routine dialed in.  We took turns, prolly around 1979, twisting the antenna to get better reception on the 4 or 5 channels we got.  It was a feat of team work and communication.  We pulled the signal down outta the airwaves in order to watch shows.  I think the signals came from other huge antenna, I don't think there were any satellites yet.  At least none for getting TV signals.  My brother and I dreamed of a day when we could have watch sized TVs.  Especially my brother, he had a thing for  wrist wear as a kid.  I mainly wanted something I could watch in bed while I was supposed to be going to sleep because I have never been one to fall asleep like normal people, even as a kid.  TV was kinda magic back then.  Crappy reception, no such thing as a VCR, or DVR.  You watched something when it was on, or you heard about it from people that saw it and wished you had remembered.

Things have changed.  Most HOAs don't allow tall antenna, and I am pretty sure signal is broadcast all digital now anyways.  So twisting the antenna is a thing of the past.  The very distant past.  I notice we still yell at kids to move back from the TV, and then we scoot back in to our desks to press our faces against computer screens,  If I would have known back then that I would spend my days and nights sitting in a desk chair sitting arms length from a computer monitor, which is hardly different from a tv screen, I would have laughed when my parents yelled at me to move.  But they were spankers, so I would have got spanked way more too.

It is odd, having watched the internet progress.  In the early 90s I was reading that one day we would watch TV over the web.  I scoffed.  WAY too much bandwidth, never happen I would think and prolly say to those around me.  Never happen, that is dumb.  Well today I am back to not having an antenna, my computer is hooked to my TV and I watch things from Hulu and Netflix.  George Jetson stuff.  Same with watching Netflix on my iphone under the covers at night.  I could watch it on the laptop, but that doesn't feel so futuristic as the iphone does.  Both about a foot from my eyeballs I should add.  Both still trying to rot my brain I am sure.

I realize that facebook is not TV.  But, it is todays brain rotting culprit.  These days everything is boiled down to the smallest amount it can be.  Dialogue isn't between TV characters, it is between us, but boiled down to tiny exchanges.  I used to get an idea, and build it up and write it in my blog.  I would try and turn one stupid idea into an entire blog entry to entertain whoever happened to be stopping by.  Anymore, I get a dumb idea, and I try to boil it down to a facebook status update.  I generally hope my status is somehow entertaining to those who read it.

Blah blah blah, I should say some stuff about not fully developing ideas anymore, and tie that all into some crap about status updates and twitter only allowing so few words and how they are not really status updates like "damn I broke my foot" but more just stupid shit we all think of, and say something witty about how kids are growing up today being taught to truncate their conversations with each other instead of giving them thought and making them all complete or whatever, but I wanna go check my facebook feed and see if anyone has posted anything awesome.

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