
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I am sure none of the other 6 million subscribers out there admit to playing. I take that back, I bet most do. I don't care if it makes me a nerd, I can still kick your ass. I play World of Warcraft, there it is out there. I said it. I play. Now that you know what this post if going to be about, you can either quit reading because you don't play, or you can quit reading because you are not interested in what I have to say about it.

Since I started playing, there are a few things that I find interesting about it. Amusing really. I like comparing some aspects of in game like to real life. One of my favorite things is, and has been, you can drop a cold glass of milk or a cold beer in the mail and send it to someone. The recipient can take the cold beer out of the mail and drink it. If real life mail were only that cool. However, what's better is, if you don't want to drink the beer right then, you can put a mug of beer in your back pack and drink it later. What makes that so awesome is it is a mug of beer, and even if I jump off a cliff into a lake with my back pack on, the beer doesn't spill, nor does it get all full of water.

Back packs are really kinda awesome in game. It isn't uncommon that I am carrying around bars or gold and iron. I usually also have in my back back a bunch of rock called heavy stone. Also, I usually carry around many different types of weapons. On a good day I have a couple of daggers, 2 or 3 clubs, a shield, maybe a staff, a sword or two, some throwing axes, a cross bow, a couple hundred arrows, a regular bow, maybe some brass knuckles and an axe kinda like a hatchet. A guy doesn't wanna get caught without the right weapon for causing real damage. Somehow I never get hurt by all these weapons, even when I jump off a cliff. Also, I can swim just as fast with all that stuff in my back pack as I can with nothing in my back pack. That rocks.

I have a cat that I can ride around on. That's right, a cat. The cool thing is, when I am done riding it, it just disappears. And, when I want to ride it again, it reappears. Oh yeah, and I don't have to feed it. Ever.

My bank in game is the best of all. When I go to the bank it real life, it is usually to deposit my pay check. I like to do things the old fashion way. And by that I mean depositing my check in person, pervert. I have yet to put money in my bank in game. I do, however, have some guys severed head in my bank account. I also have someone's blood. I have a lot more weapons in my bank, as well as some other clothes. It probably isn't common, but I have a disguise in there too. I have some cold beers, a bunch of rocks and bars of different metals, some necklaces, a bunch of bandaides, a hat...you get the idea. It is more like a locker. Really, the deposit slip would be comedy.

All in all, it is a most enjoyable experience. It is too bad I have to have this real life and can't become digital.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Lets play a quick game.

Awww, Fall. Back to school. I was recently thinking about going back to school when I was in high school. It seems like life times ago, maybe because it was. I was remembering the first few days of PE. I work now, and there is nothing like PE anymore, although there probably should be. The first few days were the only time the locker room smelled reasonable. Also, it was the only time my new PE outfit felt really clean, or looked nice. It was also the time of the year the coachs felt the need to flex a little muscle, figuratively of course. I did have a coach, which I am sure is rare, who was huge and in excellent shape. Oddly, he didn't have to show anyone who was boss, we all just knew. Even if I ran into that guy today, I would probably still be quiet and quit horsing around. Horsing around, the one thing every coach wants none of. How many times have I heard a PE coach yell, "Quit horsing around!" I grew up around horses. All horses really do is stand there. Some people say they look majestic. Maybe in the right light I could see it, but to me when you look a horse in the eye, they look kinda dopey. I don't know how they got such a bad rap with the horsing around. My favorite thing to hear yelled though was not quit horsing around, it was "Hey, you guys over there, quit playing grab ass!" Grab ass, the bane of every PE coach's existence. They want to teach you every out door game in existence except for Grab Ass, which they want us all to have nothing to do with. And oddly, In every coach's mind that seems to be the game that every high school male wants to play. I know I was told to stop playing grab ass on many an occasion which is weird to me because I don't know how to play grab ass, although I have to admit, it sounds like a good time. I always picture in my mind, that this is what high school coachs think...
"is he looking?"
"No, and he is way over there, quick gather around here guys."
"Shhhhhh, he will hear us."
"Are you all ready for a quick game of grab ass?"
"Damnit, I am out, I left all my grab ass gear in my locker."
"ok, Jimmy is out, anyone else not bring their grab ass stuff?"
"Alright, here we go, pick a grab ass card."
"whoa! The ace of grab ass, now roll to see who goes next."
"Here he comes here he comes, shhhhhhhhhhh"

Quit playing grab ass over there and pay attention!

"I don't know how he even saw us playing grab ass from way over there..."

For once I would have loved to hear a coach say, "today, all period, we are going to play grab ass."


There are things that have no color, but we assign color to. Love for instance is often represented with red while getting motion sick is often associated with being green. I have been motion sick, but my face didn't turn green. Still, being all throwy uppy somehow associates a person with the color green. Driving really fast is often associated with the color orange because that is the same color as a box of tide. Well, maybe I make that association myself, but I am sure everyone sees where I am coming from.

I looked at the sites for the American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute as well as a few sites all about cancer and cancer related topics. I didn't notice a thematic color associated with cancer. Maybe for the same reason I associate speeding with orange, I associate cancer with yellow. I don't know why I am even thinking about it, but from now on, anything yellow means cancer.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Flunking College

I don't usually dole out the personal information, but for the sake of this post, it is important that anyone reading it know that I work at a University. I am pretty sure anyone reading this already knew that, but you never know.

That being said, I don't understand the latest trend in utter disregard for ones own well being. Case in point: Today I had to leave the campus mid morning. Why? That is none of your bees wax, I just had to. Now, normally students here pay no attention to cars or what they might or might not do. They have other things to worry about that are more important, like what they might do with their Myspace page and how to not look drunk in class. Usually as they cross the street, they try not to look at any cars that might be trying to get across the same intersection. I am sure somewhere they heard that pedestrians have the right away, kindergarten maybe. And, now they use this info to disregard important, 2000 pound moving objects.

Now, normally, if I start speeding across an intersection at a gap big enough for my gianormous truck, the kid I am aimed at tries to look cool while secretly peeing his pants just a little, while the girl on her cell phone stays on the curb just long enough for me to get past. Today though, as I started across an intersection, a kid actually stepped in front of my oncoming monster truck. Really, he should be fair game. I did manage to make my tires chirp as I stopped for him, as well as chirp as I tried to run over the back of his shoe.

The parking lots and streets outside Universities should be proving grounds. Students who don't know how to keep out of harms way should be expelled. And should not be readmitted to any University anywhere for any reason. That should be the new rules.....