
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Devil's Advocate.

In a devil's advocate situation, you don't really get to choose who is going to advocate for you. I can't think of a time when I appointed someone as my official Devil's Advocate. In fact, people that Advocated for the Devil on my behalf...well, I may never even know they did it.

Interestingly, the term comes from the Roman Catholic church. The Devil's Advocate was the church official who was supposed to argue against someone becoming a saint, or being canonized. So, it really was someone who served on behalf of the devil, which makes me think I would make a good Devil's Advocate, but that is an argument for another day.

Being that a Devil's Advocate is truly in league with the Prince of Darkness (I mean the devil, not Ozzy Ozborn), what happens if you are a crappy advocate? You are already advocating for Satan. What worse could happen to you? Satan isn't going to like you? He already doesn't. You are going to end up in hell for doing a poor job of advocating on the Devil's behalf? Who are you kidding, if you are in league with Satan himself, do you really think you are going anywhere besides straight to hell? This being the case, why are people so hot to play Devil's advocate in an argument? I am only going to advocate for the Almighty from now on. When I get the urge to jump into an argument on someone's behalf, I am going to stop myself. I will cut that person loose. Their actions are in question, I don't want to get in touch with evil itself to try to defend someone who is most likely guilty anyways. I will say, "I don't know what they did, or if what you are saying is fair or right. Allow me to play God's advocate in this case. Repent." I think the over riding issue of getting things straight with your maker is enough to show the petty nature of every argument that might need a Devil's Advocate.

In short, turn from your evil ways and repent.

Friday, February 10, 2006

It's been awhile...(guns)

That's right, it has been awhile, but don't think I have forgotten you. I can't get you out of my mind. Sometimes you are all I think about. The way you look, how you make me laugh, the way you smell so....bloggy. I bet I just made the word "bloggy" up. Mmmmmmmm, Bloggy.
So, I am sure the word guns in the title caught more attention than anything else. Do you know that when you go to buy a gun (and if you haven't bought a gun, what are you waiting for? The supreme power of life and death is only a trigger pull away!) you have to wait 10 days? They call that a cooling off period. I guess the fear here is that someone is going to come home, catch his wife cheating on him, and in a blinding rage head off to the sporting goods store, pick out a desirable and powerful gun, ammo to load said gun, and head home... Ideally still in a blinding and psychotic rage, and shoot everyone you find with your shiny new weapon. I don't really know about anyone else, but when I am angry, I want immediate gratification. If my blinding rage allows me the presence of mind to leave the house to buy a gun, it is likely I will use it on someone in traffic on my way home. Conversely, if I go to the store, buy a gun, but come home without it and begin my 10 day wait, I don't think that "cool down" is the right term. I think from now on this should be called the 10 day festering and planning period. This is better anyway, less innocent people are likely die. In 10 days it seems that you could book a one way flight to Borneo, get cash advances on all your credit cards, eat the food inn your freezer, rent a get away car, ya know, the important stuff.