
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Daisy Chain

Recently I read in the news a few times about the growing popularity of groupular sexual activity among the high school crowd. Funny, on the surface I am sure you probably think, "why can't I be in high school now?" Well, news flash, you would be just as nerdy now as you were then, and you would be hearing about the phenomenon from the news or my blog even if you were still in high school. Just because it happens doesn't mean you would be involved purely because you are there. Further, I don't believe it is the problem the news makes it out to be. Sure, kids didn't get caught taking part in this sort of activity at school 20 years ago, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Reporters do have to try and find new ways of shocking people. Really, you gotta thank the teenage crowd for helping out in that respect. Also, thank the fine state of California, we are always good for a slow news day. However, I digress.

So, my comments on this are really directed more at, of course, the lack of vocabulary to cover these types of stories. I am not even sure if reporters know what daisy chain or circle jerk mean, they just like to pretend that they do. These words rarely adequately describe the kinds of activities that took place. At the same time, I don't know that we need a blow by blow of the entire orgy, so to speak. Media, I know you are all reading my blog, the new word is Polycircusex. I demand credit for smithing that word in your future reports. Just say it came from my blog, that causes everyone to nod like they have a clue. No one wants to admit they don't know what a blog is. I won't even admit I am not sure what a blog is.

I know right off someone is going to say, "Hey, that looks like Circus Sex." Well don't. You're completely unoriginal, we all saw that. However, most of us know that a circus takes place in a round tent around some amount of rings. Most of us get that Polycircusex has to do with the circular theme and not humping midgets and elephants. I haven't made the word up for that yet; it will more than likely have the word "carni" in it somewhere, not circus. Also, most of us all know that a circus was a roundabout in Britain, but has fallen out of common vernacular. Most of us, except the few of you still thinking about getting humped by a clown. Get past it.

The other group of you that are thinking "Polycircusex sounds like it means many circles of sex", yeah we all get that too. Computer programmers aren't the only ones with the capacity for logic. You just think you are. The rest of us aren't stupid, but we are bigger than you and are tired of your condescending attitudes. The word is Polycircusex, get used to it.

To the group of you who read the word and thought quietly of a big orgy in a circus tent, maybe with midgets, maybe not, well, mad props.

Got that media? Polycircusex. The new universal word to cover all circle/group sex type activities. I can't wait to see this blog credited in the news. My hits will rise to tens of tens. If hits were money, I will be a hunredaire.


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