
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Monday, November 28, 2005


I am thinking of writing a menu of food that I wouldn't eat. Everyone knows Grapple Pie would be on it. Here are a few other things that would be on the menu:
Laminated Beef Fingers.
Laminated Ham Fingers/ Ham Wings Pork Sauce
Mapple (an apple that tastes like meat)
Meat Slurpee
Pepto Bismol Ice Cream

Currently I am also working on a way to make Pepto Bismol a new condiment. It might not taste as good on a hotdog as just ketchup and mustard, but it will make you feel better after you have eaten it. It might also make into a good side dish at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Eat America! Eat all the Laminated Beef Fingers and Ham Wings you can hold, and when your pants are unbuttoned and you feel a little nauseous, reach for desert. That's Pepto Ice Cream! Cold, yummy and pink! If Pepto Ice Cream isn't your flavor, at least try Pepto bits on your regular ice cream, or salad, whichever. I have in mind a plastic ketchup bottle that is Pepto pink instead of red. It would be just as ok to top ice cream with it as a cheap steak. You could even drip a sliced up grapple in it.


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