
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Faster than a slow moving car.

Today at lunch, my friend, again, we will just call him "Jay," over heard a conversation about being able to run as fast as the car was moving. He felt he could run as fast as we were currently driving. We were driving 24 mph at the time. I am not saying he can't, personally I am up for testing him, he has surprised me in the past. However, I strongly feel his judgment loses credibility with regard to kicking a dog's ass. Anyone who thinks he can go desk chair to 24 mph, even for a short burst, seems likely to have his ass handed to him by a dog... If he were to get in a fight with a dog. Anyone own a dog they think would win in a fight with a human? Or more specifically, with "Jay"? If so, I would like to borrow it to conduct some experiments. Good thing no one nailed down if the dog fight would be a surprise. I find usually fights with animals are not planned events. One of these days, when "Jay" unlocks his office in the morning, the experiment will be ON! The dog fight one I mean. Maybe the running one can be right after that.


At 4:22 PM, Blogger Jay C. Rees said...

Ok, for the record, we were not going 24Mph. Our other friend, let's call him Billiam, did some math and used the figure of 20Mph. That is what I was making my claim on. Now maybe that is still rediculous, but it is not like I said I could outrun a 24Mph truck ... that is insane ... 20Mph? ... hmmm, maybe! just maybe!

Oh, and the dog ... yeah, bring it! It goes both ways too ... I'm going to sneak up on some dog now and kick the crap out of him!

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Jay C. Rees said...

And yes, I know it is normally "ridiculous" but they were making fun over and over again so "rediculous" made more sense.

At 4:29 PM, Blogger Jay C. Rees said...

BTW, here is a page with some data on it ... jury is still out: http://dml.cmnh.org/2003Apr/msg00103.html

fastest human ... like 27Mph, 23Mph easy.

fastest standard person running from a predator ... about 15Mph.

Me running down a dog fleeing me after a butt-kicking ... about 20Mph.

Let's face it. Your average human spans a wide range of body types ... most not suited for running. I am all over that sprint thing (won't last more than about 100 meters, but that wasn't the argument).


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