
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Expressions I don't hear enough.

I don't know, maybe it is that I lead a boring life? Maybe it is that I don't look for enough action or adventure? Maybe it is that I have a desk job and not some other job that gets me out and about more? I don't know. What I do know are these are phrases I don't think I hear often enough:

"Wow, I didn't think the whole thing would catch on fire."
"This isn't toothpaste after all."
"Did you know this was loaded? Personally, I thought it wasn't."
"We will totally fit."
"No, I am sure it doesn't bite."
"We will get there in plenty of time."
"It isn't sharp enough to cause any damage."
"That is balanced up there perfectly."
"It isn't heavy enough to crush anything."
"I am positive this is secure."
"Poisonous? Don't be absurd."
"Something smells funny, and by funny, I mean unnatural."
"It's almost the same as a bananna, only deadly."
"I don't think you will need a harness, it isn't that high."
"Pretty soon we should really have this thing serviced."
"No worries, this is foolproof."
"Becareful sticking your hand in there, that thing is sharp and fast."
"I don't see how it could possibly blow up."
"Doctor's are a waste of time, just be a man about it."
"No one is going to see us doing this."
"I have done this a million times before."
"I know what it looks like, but cheese isn't naturally occuring."
"Try staring right at it, let it know whose boss."
"It isn't that far down."
"It doesn't look infected to me."
"Sell by dates are a joke, it smells fine to me."
"This does not leave a stain."

I could write this into infinity, so I guess now is as good a time to stop as any.


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