
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I could kick your ass, dog.

We are out to lunch yesterday, and a service dog came into the...well, I would hardly call it a restaurant, let's go with eatery. Anyways, the conversation took a turn, as conversations sometimes do, to talking about the service dog that came in with its owner, and then to dogs in general. I can't really tell you how it went from talking about dogs to this, but my friend, we will just call him "Jay," says he could take a dog in a fight. Like a fight between "Jay" and a dog. Mind you we were not drinking at lunch. No one else at the table really felt they would live through a fight with a dog. "Jay" says he wasn't talking about just anyone, he was talking about himself.

As funny as that all is on its own, to me anyways, I tried to imagine how you would get into a fight with a dog. Are you at a bar, and the dog just keeps staring at you until you confront it? "Hey, dog, quit looking at me!" Or could it be if a dog bumps into you on purpose and spills your beer? Or a dog cuts you off in traffic? I dunno, I guess being that I don't often run from the cops, I don't really fear dog related fisticuffs. But if it ever happens, I will certainly turn to my friend "Jay" for help. He will ruin the dog. Yup, that's right dog, it's go time!


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