
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Not for the faint hearted.

I will prolly make brief comments on this from time to time now. I have been baffled about this for too long. I expect that when I walk into a men's room, it isn't going to smell good. I have come to this expectation over many years of experience in wreaking men's rooms. Doesn't matter where they are, the nicest marble floored, high ceilinged swanky men's room to the hole in the wall New Mexico gas station men's room...they all exist in and exude some of the foulest odors imaginable. Which leaves me shaking my head at the mens room where I work. It often wreaks like it should, like all men have come to expect. But nothing can explain why it recently smelled like a tuna sandwich and chocolate cake. I didn't investigate, I sort of didn't want to know why. Seriously though, that isn't right.


At 2:38 PM, Blogger Jay C. Rees said...

Yeah, it is next to the room where events take place and large quantities of food is served. I thought the same thing the other day when I smelled pizza in there. It wasn't like out of the oven pizza, it was like the rising dough yeasty smell that gave you feeling the already nasty smell of the room now had super-replicating superhero germ-spreading friends there to make the room "moist" ... and the whole time I'm thinking ... "Hey, is there nothing sacred anymore?!? Everybody loves pizza and now they are ruining it by making me associate it with this stinking restroom!"

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Peteicus_X said...

I knew people sometimes have food served in the room next to the restroom, but did someone really have a "Tuna Sandwich and Chocolate Cake" breakfast catered? I knew why the restroom smelled like sterno today, but that doesn't explain Tuna and Cake in the morning.


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