
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

BK- the new home of the unholy treat.

I know recently my posts have been kind of food oriented, but I keep hearing about really weird food related items. Of late, it is the Burger King "Chicken Fries." What? Chicken Fries? Sounded ok at first, until I thought about it. The King, practicing some kind of magic/science, created a new abomination. Far out weighing the affronts to God served at Arby's. Chicken + Patato= Chicato. Boc Boc Boc *patato noise*. I think they make prisoners work on the King's Chicato ranches, raising the Chicatos until they are nice and chickeny...or patatoie... and then bam...or do you dig a chicato out of the ground? Whichever way you slice it, yuck. All I am saying is, I will not even try the BK Chickatos. And I think the King with his new giant head is creepy. He doesn't make me want to eat at BK. He makes me wanna hide. I am afraid he might touch me inappropriately...


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