That is a huge package.
I am pretty sure Costco is worldwide now. I think there is one in every small town in America, kinda like 7-11 and Stucky's. Although usually when I am talking about a store, it is because I have a loathing for them deep down in my soul somewhere. I cannot say that about Costco. I find, when there is something about a store that doesn't make sense it is usually best to come here and mock it. That gets about as much done, if not more, then actually pursuing it. At least mocking it here I feel better and other people who read this might agree with my assessments. There is plenty I don't understand about Costco, like, where do they get all that cool stuff, and how can they afford to pass it along to me so cheap? That I will not mock. I just accept it, lest it change.
So, please good people of Costco, don't take this the wrong way. I merely do not understand this. If you tell me that these crazy packages have to exist so Costco can remain the same, I will quietly accept your crazy answer. I have heard other nonsense in my life that I accepted, and it did not benefit me, so your answer, whatever it is, will be a piece of cake to accept. Like the chocolate ring cakes, or the lemon cooler cakes that you apparently purchase straight from God; no earthly bakery could make cake that tasted quiet so delicious.
Thanks to Bill's super secret bat phone/bubble breaker consol:

These huge packages pictured have nothing in them. Well, they have a piece of paper in them that says what the package is supposed to be. Like "this huge package is full of two movie tickets, give this package to the check out individual and that person will exchange this package and your cash for 2 movie tickets. You're welcome." When you take one of these to the front counter, they take it, give you two movie tickets when you pay, then they put this huge package that you don't even get to open, back on the shelf.
I don't get why there are two crates of these? I am pretty sure that, if everyone in the store wanted one of these in their shopping basket, there would still be a lot left over. I also don't get why these crates full of fake packages aren't just a sign that says, "ask your checker for some movie tickets eh? They are 5$ a piece! Bam!" nor do I understand why a package with nothing in it had to be the size of a dog. If it has to be a package, why not a small one? Not like you have to worry about someone ripping it off, there is nothing in it.
One day I am going to purchase a package of tickets, and I will demand to be allowed to open the package that they should have come in. Or, I will buy a few tickets and claim I need the packages in order to have something to wrap as a gift, just like they needed them to stock their shelves. I can't wait to give everyone packages that should have movie tickets in them, but don't. Happy Birthday, Clerks II wasn't that great!
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