
2 birds with 1 stone? I will use 7 or 8 stones just to make sure. I want those birds dead, dead, dead.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Some things should never fall away.

Why is it that "Woe unto you" ever quit getting used in speech or written dialogue? I haven't heard anyone say it in....well, maybe ever. But, like John Travolta, it needs to make a come back. I take that back, John Travolta didn't need to make a come back, but he did make one. And, in the same manner, this expression needs to make a similar come back. Only this expression should not get too full of itself and make movies like Broken Arrow, Swordfish or Battlefield Earth. Woe unto you, John Travolta, for making a come back and squandering it on crappy scripts and bad acting.


At 9:54 AM, Blogger S said...

Genius, I applaud you sir. And while we're at it, let's revive "lo!" as in, "Lo! That lady isn't wearing panties!"

And yes, let's bring back "panties" while we're at it. What the hell.


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