Bumper stickers.
I was kinda thinking I might make this a reoccurring theme. There are so many out there that need commenting on. I don't personally have any, nor have I ever felt the need to use the back of my car to make a statement. Maybe someday I will feel the need and will get some bumper stickers, but for now, they are for other people to stick on, and for me to read and wonder why they did.
Today's installment brings us "Jesus is my copilot". I am not going to be the person to say Jesus didn't live. I am not even going to be the person to say that Jesus wasn't born a virgin birth, walk the earth a sinless man for 33 years, get nailed to a cross to forgive the sins and transgressions of the entire human race and rise again after 3 days to ascend into heaven and serve as the intercessor to humankind when they pray to God or that he won't come back one day to receive his children into heaven. That is your copilot? He has returned to earth in human form to look at the map and give you directions on the way to work, maybe to hold your coffee? The Son of God, Jesus of Nazareth is in your Landcruiser presumably telling you to speed and cut people off? Or maybe the speeding and cutting people off is the drivers idea while the copilot just holds the coffee?
If Jesus really came back to earth, and came to my house and said, "Look, I need to be a copilot and you're the man to drive me around dwag" And I knew it was Jesus for reals because his drivers lic or ID card said Jesus Christ Son of God Hair: Brn. Weight: 180 Height: 6'2" on it... I would cram other people in my car. I would make sure wherever I went, there were other people with me because JESUS IS IN THE FRONT SEAT! Who doesn't wanna question that guy? What was hell like, really? You never sinned? Not once? No sex? Not even lust in your heart for a lady? Really? I would want Jesus to do the driving really, I don't want to speed or make an illegal right hand turn or say, hold on Jesus, I gotta flip a bitch here, and run the risk of having him erase my name from the Lambs Book of Life and forever bar me from heaven. Plus, it would be a chance to see his sinless nature in action. Not accidentally breaking the speed limit, not needing to throw a soda at another car whose driver is less intelligent then a fern, not taking matters into his own hands when cut off by someone with a cell phone.
I think if the bumper sticker were true, things would be different, that is all I am saying.
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